Budget-Friendly DIY Fire Pit Ideas for a Backyard Makeover

Written By Marc

Budget-Friendly DIY Fire Pit Ideas for a Backyard Makeover

A backyard is a sacred space, a sanctuary where you unwind, gather with friends and family, and create lasting memories. One of the most popular features to elevate any backyard is a fire pit. It’s a perfect focal point to gather around on cool evenings or to roast marshmallows for a fun treat. But if you’re working within a budget, fear not! There are plenty of DIY fire pit ideas that won’t break the bank. Today, we’ll explore some of the best budget-friendly DIY fire pit ideas for a backyard makeover. So grab your gloves and let’s get to work!

Table of Contents

  1. Choosing The Right Location for Your Fire Pit
  2. Simple and Budget-Friendly DIY Fire Pit Ideas
  3. Fire Pit Safety Tips
  4. Accessorizing Your Fire Pit
  5. Conclusion

1. Choosing The Right Location for Your Fire Pit

Before we dive into the DIY fire pit ideas, we must address the importance of selecting the right location for your fire pit. Safety must be your top priority. Therefore, following a few tips will ensure that you pick the perfect spot:

  • Choose a level and stable ground.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 10 feet from nearby structures, trees, or flammable objects.
  • Check your local building codes and regulations for fire pit placement.

2. Simple and Budget-Friendly DIY Fire Pit Ideas

Ready to get started? Here are nine budget-friendly DIY fire pit ideas to get you inspired.

1. The Classic Round Stone Fire Pit

This classic design is perfect for any backyard aesthetic and is incredibly easy to build. With a few materials and a little bit of elbow grease, you’ll have a stunning fire pit in no time. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Large, flat stones or pavers
  • Gravel or sand
  • Shovel
  • Level


  1. Mark the desired dimensions of your fire pit with spray paint or a piece of string.
  2. Dig a shallow trench (about 6 inches deep) to outline the fire pit.
  3. Fill the trench with gravel or sand and level it.
  4. Lay the stones in a circle around the trench, leaving small gaps for air circulation.
  5. Add more layers of stones to build up the walls.
  6. Fill the center of your fire pit with gravel or sand.

2. The Concrete Tree Ring Fire Pit

For a unique and modern look, try using concrete tree rings for your fire pit. This design is simple and budget-friendly, making it a great choice for any backyard makeover. You’ll need:

  • Concrete tree rings
  • Gravel or sand
  • Adhesive for concrete blocks
  • Shovel
  • Level


  1. Similar to the round stone fire pit, mark the desired dimensions of your fire pit and dig a shallow trench.
  2. Fill the trench with gravel or sand, and level it.
  3. Lay the concrete tree rings in the trench, using adhesive to secure them in place.
  4. Add more layers of concrete tree rings, staggering the seams for added stability, and secure with adhesive.
  5. Fill the center of your fire pit with gravel or sand.

3. The Washer Drum Fire Pit

Repurpose your old washer drum into an efficient and eco-friendly fire pit. This design is perfect if you have a small backyard or limited space. You’ll need:

  • An old washing machine drum
  • Metal legs or a sturdy base
  • Heat-resistant paint (optional)


  1. Remove the drum from your washing machine and clean it thoroughly.
  2. Attach metal legs or a sturdy base to the drum using metal brackets or screws.
  3. If desired, paint the drum with heat-resistant paint for a decorative touch.
  4. Place your washer drum fire pit in the desired location and enjoy!

4. The Reclaimed Brick Fire Pit

If you have access to reclaimed bricks, this fire pit idea is both budget-friendly and sustainable. Its rustic appearance adds charm to any backyard space. You’ll need:

  • Reclaimed bricks
  • Mortar
  • Shovel
  • Level
  • Trowel


  1. Mark the desired dimensions of your fire pit and dig a shallow trench in your backyard.
  2. Fill the trench with a layer of gravel or sand and level it.
  3. Lay your bricks in a circle around the trench, using mortar to keep them in place.
  4. Add more layers of bricks, staggering the seams for added stability, and secure with mortar.
  5. Fill the center of your fire pit with gravel or sand.

Categories DIY

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